Tuesday, May 29, 2007
What Is Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is similar to dermabrasion, but much gentler. It uses a crystallized cream containing aluminum-oxide crystals to gently abrade the skin and remove only the outer layers. This cream is most often applied with a battery-operated tool that has interchangeable heads, a scrubbing brush, an applicator, and a sponge. These help lightly "sand" the affected skin, remove it and then soothe it with a gel or cream designed to stimulate cell growth.
What is microdermabrasion effective at treating? This new method of improving problem skin is very useful for virtually any surface problem. It has been proven effective against fine lines and wrinkles, age or liver spots, mild sun damage and also surface scars, such as those caused by acne. It can also reduce or even eliminate stretch marks and large pores. Many people are turning to microdermabrasion for minor problems instead of resorting to the major process of chemical peels or regular dermabrasion.
Microdermabrasion has many benefits over the more standard, invasive techniques previously used to treat similar problems. For one, it has virtually no recovery time, you can do it on your lunch break and go right back to work afterwards. You might be a little red, but the slight discomfort experienced during the procedure shouldn't affect you once it is over. You will probably even have your co-workers wondering what is microdermabrasion, eager to try something so simple.
By now, you are probably wondering "what is microdermabrasion NOT good at?" While very effective against surface problems like little scars and uneven skin tone and texture, microdermabrasion is not meant for deeper treatments. Even for such disorders as acne scarring or stretch marks, you may need repeated treatments in order to get the results you want. This can end up being nearly as expensive (though not as painful!) as a regular dermabrasion treatment.
If you were asking, "what is microdermabrasion?" you now know. Deciding whether or not to choose this treatment over regular skin resurfacing methods is really a matter of personal preference, budget and pain tolerance. Microdermabrasion might just be for you!
By: Rob Sanders
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Bodybuilder: You Must Avoid Getting These
What Are Stretch Marks?
As a human you have three layers of skin, these are the hypodermis, dermis and epidermis. The layer in which stretch marks occur is the dermis layer. Most of the time your skin has sufficient elasticity in it to be able to cope with your growth, unfortunately, during major growth spurts, such as during puberty, pregnancy and rapid muscle growth, you overcome your skins elastic potential. This causes the elastic fibres of the dermis to rupture, thus causing the stretch marks.
Bodybuilders get stretch marks by building muscle mass to fast and thus putting on weight too quickly. To some extent they will disappear eventually. However when they first appear, the stretch marks can appear in a range of colour from pink to brown, and also darker shades of purple. In time your stretch marks will gradually become less noticeable and fade to a lighter colour. Often this will be a few shades lighter than your normal skin colour.
How To Stop Stretch Marks
There a number of creams and products available that claim to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, however a lot like wrinkle creams, few if any actually do any good or work. There are other solutions which are believed to work such as fish oil and vitamin E; however, you're probably better going without. If you are serious about bodybuilding and bulking up BIG, then you should really take preventative measures to stop stretch marks appearing in the first place.
Prevention Tips
There are a number of ways to prevent getting stretch marks, primarily by building yourself up slowly and not trying to get massive fast. Slow and steady wins the race. When you are building muscle, try to lose weight at the same time, as to some extent this will help balance for some of the muscle growth and reduce the stress on the dermis. If you smoke, quit. As smoking reduces the elasticity of your skin, plus it is really bad for your health and training efforts. As an extreme measure you can get your stretch marks reduced by laser treatment, but you should speak to your doctor about this and only consider it if they are really bad.
By: Bob Giddy
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Teen Stretch Marks
Author: Nicky Pilkington
Friday, May 4, 2007
Tummy Tuck: The Post-pregnancy Answer?
Getting your body back to normal after a pregnancy can be a tricky business. When it comes to stretch marks and loose skin, there is no real effective method of treatment other than the surgical option of an abdominoplasty, a.k.a. a tummy tuck. Your skin is capable of expanding to accommodate a gradual weight gain, but when you are pregnant, it must expand relatively quickly to accommodate the growth of the baby. Consequently, the deeper layers of skin may tear forming thin white lines across your stomach. You may become frustrated (to say the least), and many women experience a big blow to their self esteem. However, a tummy tuck can remove most stretch marks and tighten any loose skin. In fact, deciding to go for a tummy-tuck seems a reasonable course of action considering that 130, 000 tummy tucks were performed in the
Before jumping onto the tummy tuck train, some important issues should be considered. A tummy tuck requires invasive surgery; therefore information on the matter should be gathered in order to determine whether or not it will truly benefit your life.
Tummy tucks can leave permanent scars
The surgery will leave a scar that runs from hip to hip, unless you have decided on a mini-tuck, in which case the scar will be about 6 inches long. A scar can take up to 9 months to fade, and until then, it will actually appear to worsen. However, the incision is made along natural creases in your skin, and is easily covered by underwear and bikinis.
Tummy tucks can cause problems with future pregnancies
Most surgeons will advise their patients to wait until after their last pregnancy before undergoing abdominal plastic surgery. The body's expansion during a pregnancy can cause the stomach muscles to separate again; so if you are planning more than one child, it is best to put the tummy tuck on hold.
Tummy tucks are not magical
If you are unhappy with the look of your body, a tummy tuck can be a step in helping you to achieve your ideal figure. However, because of its highly invasive nature, you must be prepared to take good care of your brand new tummy. The recovery time can take up to 3 weeks. You must protect your stomach from the sun before going under the knife. Smokers will need to put away their lighters for 2 weeks before and after the surgery. Exercise can help speed up the healing process (although not immediately after the surgery). A healthy diet is important as well, but nothing too severe as your body needs the appropriate nutrition in order to properly heal.
Do some research
It is important to choose a surgeon who is properly qualified. Not only must he/she be board certified, but also certified by a reputable board. Start by looking into the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Also verify that your surgeon is qualified to perform several kinds of abdominal plastic surgery and not just tummy tucks.
If a full traditional tummy tuck seems too daunting, and/or too expensive, you could opt for a mini-tummy tuck. The surgery is less invasive, recovery time is shorter, and the scar is smaller. It is worth a consideration if you are unhappy with the post-pregnant state of your body.
5 Helpful Tips For reducing Stretch Marks
You've got stretch marks and don't know what to do about them. It's also too late to take preventive actions to avoid stretch marks in the first place. If you are in this situation, you have plenty of company. Millions of people have developed stretch marks for a number of different reasons, but reducing the stretch marks on their bodies has become a priority for them.
Your Options to Reduce Stretch Marks
There are a number of actions that can be taken to reduce the appearance of these unsightly skin defects. As you probably know, stretch marks commonly develop on certain areas of the body, such as your hips, abdomen, and thighs. To a lesser degree, they can also develop on the upper arms, sides of the breast or behind the knees.
For the most part, stretch marks cannot be totally removed without taking a more radical approach to treating the affected skin. Most individuals opt for the more practical and affordable treatment options by using various crèmes and lotions. This approach can be very effective in fading or lessening the effect of your stretch marks, without breaking your budget.
Tips for Reducing Stretch Marks
So what can you do to reduce stretch marks and their physical appearance on your body? Follow these five tips for reducing stretch marks and you should see a dramatic difference in your skin's appearance:
Avoid Sudden Weight Gain or Loss
As a preventive measure, you should avoid sudden weight gains or losses, as your skin cannot adjust quickly enough to avoid skin damage, or stretch marks. Even though your skin has elasticity properties, it really has limits. A sudden change in weight, such as pregnancy, can exceed the skins ability to stretch or flex. When this happens, tears will occur in the skin, and the resulting scarring gives the appearance of white, red, or purple lines. If you moderate the rate of weight change, your odds of reducing stretch marks are greatly enhanced.
Exercise "Smart"
If you exercise frequently, you want to be sure to exercise "smart". When you overdo and expand muscle mass, such as in weight training, you risk overstretching your skin and developing stretch marks. Take your exercise seriously, but be smart and recognize that moderation is key to avoiding stretch marks.
Apply Skin Moisturizing Lotions
You can use a good quality skin moisturizer as not only a preventative, but also as an aid in minimizing or fading existing stretch marks. Damaged skin can and will heal if given the proper care. A quality skin care product, preferably using natural botanicals and herbs, can help reduce stretch mark damage if used in a regular skin care program.
Opt For Cosmetic Surgery
A more radical approach to eliminate stretch mark damage is to opt for cosmetic surgery. Because of the risks involved with this procedure, it should only be pursued if other alternatives do not produce satisfactory results. This procedure can permanently remove your stretch marks, but is very expensive and does have inherent risks.
Get A Tan To Hide Stretch Marks - NOT
Many stretch mark sufferers believe that getting a tan at the beach or at their favorite tanning salon is an acceptable method to reduce the appearance of their stretch marks. The truth is that this option does reduce their appearance, but the amount of UVB rays that your skin will absorb can be dangerous, and ultimately cause skin cancer. This method is clearly not worth the risk - avoid it!
As you can see, with a little common sense and regular skin care, you can effectively reduce your stretch marks and their unsightly appearance. Imagine the enjoyment you will experience when you don't need to be embarrassed about going to the beach anymore, or wearing that revealing evening gown at your next special event. If you follow these five easy tips, you will be well on your way to feeling better not only about your skin, but yourself as well!
Author: Bill Wilson
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are a form of marking on the skin with a silvery white hue. Stretch marks are mostly associated with pregnancy, obesity, bodybuilding, puberty, and intense physical activity. Between 75 and 90% of women develop stretch marks to some degree during pregnancy. People who are obese often have stretch marks. Bodybuilders are prone to getting stretch marks because of the rapid body changes that bodybuilding can produce. Stretch marks also may occur if a person uses steroid-containing skin creams or ointments (such as hydrocortisone) for more than a few weeks, or has to take high doses of oral corticosteroids for months or longer.
Stretch marks are effect of an elevated level of circulating glucocorticoids throughout the bloodstream. Glucocorticoids is a hormone which secreted by the adrenal glands (they lie on top of the kidneys). It becomes elevated during pregnancy, adolescence, with obesity, weight lifting and Cushing’s disease. The glucocorticoids hormones responsible for the development of stretch marks affect the dermis by keeping the fibroblasts from forming collagen and elastin fibers, necessary to keep quickly growing skin taut. This creates a deficiency of supportive substantial, as the skin is stretched and leads to dermal pulling.
Human skin has three different layers: the epidermis (outer layer), the dermis (middle layer), and the subcutaneous stratum (innermost layer). Stretch marks occur in the dermis, the resilient middle layer that helps the skin retain its shape. Stretch marks happen when the tissue under the skin is pulled by rapid growth or stretching. Then, scars called stretch marks may form.Stretch marks first appear as reddish or purple lines, but tend to gradually fade to a lighter color. At first, stretch marks may show up as reddish or purplish lines that may appear indented and have a different texture from the surrounding skin
Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body. They are most likely to appear in places where larger numbers of fat is stored. Most usual places are the abdomen (especially near the belly-button), breasts, upper arms, underarms, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and backside. They pose no health risk in and of themselves, and do not compromise the body's ability to function normally and repair itself.
Various treatments are available for the purpose of improving the appearance of existing stretch marks, including laser treatments, dermabrasion, and topical applications (e.g. cocoa butter). A certain procedure for removing lower abdominal stretch marks is the tummy tuck, which removes the skin under the belly button where stretch marks frequently occur.